TTRA Europe 2012– Bilbao avril 2012

Pour mes lecteurs experts en tourisme voici une annonce d’un congrès en avril 2012 avec un call for paper qui devrait intéresser quelques francophones.

TTRA Europe 2012 Conference, the 11th of its kind, will bring together International Experts in all aspects related to the travel and tourism industry and academia. TTRAE 2012 offers a unique forum for attendees from academia, industry, administration and other organisations to actively exchange, share, and challenge the current state of the art research and its application in the travel and tourism sector.

Organised by the European Chapter of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA Europe), the Competence Research Centre in Tourism –CICtourGUNE – and the University of Deusto, TTRAE 2012 will take place in the city of Bilbao, Spain and will be hosted at the main library building of the University on April 18-20 2012. TTRAE 2012 offers conference delegates a great environment for in-depth debates, discussions, and social interactions.

Pour en savoir plus :

(C) Jean-Claude MORAND
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